John Andrews
John is co-chair of the Presidential Campaign Support Committee. He has been a key staff member in the last two Green Party presidential campaigns.
Bahman Azad
Bajman is an Iranian-American peace and justice activist living in the United States. He was a former acting director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Rutgers University and is now a retired Professor of Economics and Sociology. Bahman has been active in the U.S. peace and justice movement as a member of the National Board of the U.S. Peace Council. He is currently serving as the Chair of Veterans For Peace Iran Working Group, Organizational Secretary of the U.S. Peace Council, Coordinator of the Coalition Against U.S. Foreign Military Bases and the Global Campaign Against US/NATO Military Bases. He is Co-Chair of Iran Pledge of Resistance, and an NGO representative of the World Peace Council at the United Nations.
Kyle Bailey
Kyle managed the historic 2016 ballot measure campaign that won Ranked Choice Voting for state and federal elections in Maine, and the 2018 ballot measure campaign that protected Maine’s landmark law. In 2012, Bailey helped to secure another first-in-the-nation victory at the ballot box in Maine for the freedom to marry for same-sex couples. Bailey has worked on candidate and referendum campaigns for the past seven cycles, including several statewide candidates. Bailey is the Owner and President of Peachtree Strategies LLC, and lives in Gorham with his husband State Rep. Andrew McLean.
Ajamu Baraka
Ajamu is the former founding executive director of the US Human Rights Network, a national network that expanded to above 300 U.S based organizations. Ajamu currently serves as associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies. He has served as a board member of many human rights organizations such as the Center for Constitutional Rights, Amnesty International, and Africa Action. Moreover, he has contributed to many publications including Common Dreams, Dissident Voice, Pambazuka News, Black Agenda Report and CounterPunch. He is among the 300 human rights workers honored by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. He is currently the Organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace.
Brian Bennet
Brian was born in Warwick, Rhode Island in 1958. He became interested in plants andgardens during his Middle School years. His Mother’s family had long standing farming roots in Indiana, where Brian spent some of his High School summers hoeing miles and miles of corn. He also began planting a family garden. In college he studied plant science but was not happy with the promotion of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. He continued to study organic methods of production and in 1985 purchased his first farm with his wife Ann. They farmed part-time using all organic methods until their move in 1999 to the St Lawrence River Valley. Bittersweet Farm, their current home, is certified organic with NOFA NY LLC. Brian farms full-time, producing a diversity of vegetable crops and raising livestock. In 2014 Brian was named NOFA NY’s Organic Farmer of the year. In addition, he works as a mentor to new farmers and teaches hands-on sustainability to area students and volunteers.
Justin Beth
Justin currently serves as one of the Co-Chairs of the Green Party of the United States and is a members of the Maine Green-Independent Party State Steering Committee and the GPUS Presidential Campaign Support Committee. His involvement in politics and the Green Party has increased significantly within a short period of time, with his focus being on the nuts and bolts of campaigning for office and electoral strategy. As the majority of Greens do, Justin is a tireless volunteer and advocate for the Green Party in most facets of his life, investing as much as 95% of his free time in the Green Party, with the other 5% of his spare time making music. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering-Physics from the University of Maine at Orono and currently works as a Radiation Health Physicist in his day job. Justin lives on the top of Munjoy Hill in Portland, Maine.
Joe Bongiovanni
GPVA – Harborton, Virginia
Married (Helen Maffei Bongiovanni 52 years) 2 children, one adopted of hispanic descent. Joe is uniquely a second-generation monetary reformer, studying money systems with his father who actually did the research – for over 40 years.
Joe lived in the Maritimes in Canada (1971-1980) to do homesteading, moved into non-nuclear energy policy advancement and ended up working as Energy and Economic Policy Analyst for the Liberal Party of New Brunswick. In 1980, Joe moved to Vermont and again took up advocating for non-nuclear energy policies, eventually hired as General Manager of a rural electric cooperative. Joe served 11 years on the Board of Directors of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), including five years as Chair of its Legal, Regulatory and Energy Policy Committee. Joe still serves on the Board of the Coventry Clean Energy Corporation. Joe is also the co-founder and Director of the Kettle Pond Institute for Debt-free Money in Vermont. Joe is also on the Board of Directors of the Alliance For Just Money, Inc., and Chair its Legal Action Committee His deep background in money system understandings makes him an outspoken leader of this modern movement for Public Money.
Chris Blankenhorn
Chris is an educator from Springfield, IL. He is a former GPUS Co-Chair and currently serves as Illinois Green Party Secretary, Young Ecosocialists Education Committee Vice-Chair, and GPUS Merchandise Committee Co-Chair.
Carol Coakley
Office Coordinator MAPA
Carol is the chair of Metrowest Peace Action. She has a B.A. in Politics from Framingham State College, where she also worked as an administrative assistant and was steward for AFSCME Local 1067. She was Field Coordinator of the Instant Runoff Voting initiative petition drive with Citizens for Voter Choice in 2009. Carol is the Mass. Peace Action office coordinator and bookkeeper. She represents Massachusetts Peace Action on Peace Action’s national board of directors, co-convenes MAPA’s Legislative/Political Committee, and serves on its board of directors and Executive Committee.
Trahern Crews
Trahern is a Member of the Green Party Black Caucus and Co-Chair of its Reparations Committee. Crews was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and graduated from St. Paul Central High School. He’s spent his career working with youth and on issues like urban farming, sustainability and homelessness. Crews runs an organization called Original Man Farms working with youth to teach growing food, selling food and sustainability. They also work on the on the issues of violence prevention and homelessness, and are currently partnered with a Better Road Foundation. Before that, he worked for Dayton’s Bluff Community Project on housing, police brutality, police-community relations and homelessness.Crews was a candidate for mayor of St. Paul, Minnesota. November 2017. Crews is a community organizer and spokesperson for the St. Paul’s Green Party.
Charlene DiCalogero
Charlene is female co-chair of the Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts, and has supported numerous candidates as co-chair of the GRP Candidate Development and Legal Committee (CDLC). She has run twice for state legislative office (regular and special elections), and is serving her first term as elected town Library Trustee in Berlin, MA.
Darlene Elias
Darlene is a Puerto Rican anti colonial feminist whose focus is to resist the Empire by actively working on self determination for her Patria and the realization of power and self efficacy within the Diaspora. During the day she works in Family Court providing adults with mediation. She is also a therapist for a Latino community based agency.
She currently is a Co Chair for both the Green Party Latinx and Women’s Caucuses . She was also GPUS National Co Chair and the State Co Chair of the Massachusetts Green Rainbow Party.
Darlene has a radio program on Valley Free Radio in Western Mass called Impacto Cultural that works on the powerful and positive exchange of culture and education of the public on issues impacting the Latino community. On the show she also focuses on social injustices and identifying ways to fight back both locally and globally.
She is an activist that regularly organizes and demonstrates around issues of environmental racism, racial disparities, police brutality, affordable housing, gentrification, public education, and war.
She has founded activist groups such as H.O.L.A., Holyoke Organizing Latino Action, and Western Mass Boricuas for the Liberation of Puerto Rico and has also organized marches and protest under the BLM banner.
Mike Feinstein
Mike is a former Mayor of Santa Monica, California and current member of the following committees, GPUS Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures Committee. He is also Co-Administrator of the GPUS Elections Database.
Erin Fox
Serving as a Delegate to the Green National Committee and representing the Great Lakes State of Michigan as Co-chairperson of the Coordinated Campaign Committee, Erin Fox is a dedicated party member and advocate for Green Party values. In 2011, Fox was MC of’s National Leadership Training won that organization’s award for excellence in leadership.
A former Legislative Assistant to the Assistant Leader of the Michigan House of Representatives, Fox’s political background as a political campaign manager includes a US Congressional primary win. He resides in Lansing, Michigan with his daughter Aurora.
Adam Friedman
Adam serves as the Executive Director of Voter Choice Massachusetts, the nation’s largest statewide campaign to advance Ranked Choice Voting. Adam also serves on the boards of MassVOTE and Common Cause Massachusetts and has been involved in lobbying and organizing around various voting and democracy reforms for over ten years.
Adam works full-time as a civic technologist and web software engineer. Beginning in 2012, Adam created the first searchable public database of official election statistics on behalf of the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and three other US states. He holds a BA in History from Boston University.
Robin Harris
Robin ran for Orange County Commission for the Green Party, District 6, and resides in Pine Hills, an unincorporated subdivision of Orange County, home of the Disney empire. She is a long-time social justice activist, writer, poet, public speaker and minister. A Texas native, Robin currently lives in Florida where she fights alongside other activists in Orlando, Florida. She has spoken at press conferences and rallies surrounding issues that affect marginalized communities. Robin also organizes and assists in many community events, including engaging in civil disobedience for an important cause.
Robin was recently elected Female Co-Chair of the Green Party of Florida. She is also Co-Chair of the Central Florida Green Party, a state council member, and a delegate to the national party. Robin is Co-Chair of the Green Party US Black Caucus and is an observer on the GP International Committee and the Diversity Committee.
Robin has several activist duties within Central Florida and abroad. She wishes to fulfill her humanitarian endeavors in Accra, Ghana by implementing a clean water initiative when she can return with a global-minded activist team. After visiting the Motherland three times, Robin has observed the interplay of many social inequities that mirror the same injustices in the United States.
Holly Hart
Special interests are local elections and policy, and ballot access. Served as a volunteer and treasurer for several campaigns. Work has involved: Leafletting, tabling, petitioning, envelope-stuffing, event planning, media (press releases and appearances on Public Access TV, radio), letter-writing, grabbing the mic. at public hearing sessions at city council meetings….
Coordinated ballot petitioning in my state for Greens in presidential races (2000 to present), and assisted with ballot paperwork nationwide for Cobb/LaMarche 2004; McKinney/Clemente 2008; Stein/Baraka 2016.
Sought and gained bi (sic)-partisan legislative support for an expanded ballot status option bill in 2001-2003
Consultant and part of team comprised of Greens, Libertarians, Socialists and Reform, for successful litigation to include third party organizations on state voter registration form.
Assisted with successful lawsuit clarifying circumstances in which ballot petitioner may collect signature in private venues.
Included, as the sole Green Party member as a panelist on a program featuring women in electoral politics, presented by the University of Iowa Women’s Resource and Action Center.
Served on IA Secretary of State’s Voting/HAVA Task Force, 2001
Member of Iowans for Voting Integrity; People for Justice in Palestine; Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
Howie Hawkins
Retired Teamster from Syracuse, New York. He served in the Marine Corps, studied at Dartmouth College, and worked in construction and warehouses. Since the 1960s, Howie has been a constant campaigner for peace, justice, unions, the environment, and independent working-class politics for a democratic, socialist, and ecological society. A Green since he participated in the first national Green Party organizing meeting in 1984, Howie was the first US candidate to campaign for a Green New Deal in 2010. His campaigns for governor in 2010, 2014, and 2018 won ballot status for the New York Green Party.
Cheri Honkala
Founder and leader of Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaignand before that Kensington Welfare Rights Union, gained fame when she was a homeless mother, breaking into abandoned government-owned houses and occupying them in order to survive. She has traveled internationally to meet with peasant movements, and ran for Vice President of the USA with the Green Party in 2012. She also works a UPS warehouse graveyard shift and is active in Teamsters Local #623LivesMatter. Cheri is a founding general in the Poor People’s Army.
Rita Jacobs
Co-Chair, GP Peace Action Committee (GPAX)
Rita joined the Green Party about 4 years ago as a member of the Green Party of Michigan. She formed the Capitol Area Greens local the year she joined, and has remained an officer of the local since then. She has served as an officer in her state party, and has organized and chaired committees for the purpose of developing procedures and guidelines for operation of the state party (still a work in progress). She joined the Peace Action Committee (GPAX) about two years ago and presently serves as co-chair. As a member of GPAX she worked with Bryan Snyder, a former member of GPAX trained in Nonviolent Communication, who helped her locate the resources necessary to learn about Nonviolent Communication while working on a GPAX project to create a manual on Nonviolent Communication for use by state parties and caucuses (also a work in progress).
Rita has been retired from her work as a probate lawyer for many years, and has used that time to gain knowledge in many areas that have helped to further Green Party activities. She is also a founding member and officer of the newly formed Banking and Monetary Reform Committee (BMRC).
Hillary Kane
Hillary Kane is a proud parent and Green Party leader. Her day job is the Director of PHENND, a nonprofit organization that supports and promotes campus-community partnership.
Hillary has been active in the Green Party since 2000, when she became active in Ralph Nader’s Presidential campaign. She has held numerous leadership positions at all levels of the party since that time including secretary, treasurer, and chair of both her local (Philadelphia) and state (Pennsylvania) parties, as well as various roles on candidate campaigns.
Currently, Hillary is the co-chair of the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee. Ms. Kane is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies.
James Lane
James is a citizen journalist, independent musician, internet media professional and has been a Green Party political activist for nearly two decades. His passion for helping to promote his party’s four pillars of Democracy, Ecology, Nonviolence and Social and Economic Justice through his weekly program on BRIC TV called “Hot Indie Media Presents” led him to become the proud winner of a B Free First Amendment Award in 2016. In addition to his work behind the camera, James has taken the people’s struggles from the streets and in to the ballot boxes by running for New York City Public Advocate in 2013 and 2017, and for Congress in 2015 against the Republican candidate Dan Donovan who was the District Attorney that failed to indict anyone in the killing of Eric Garner. As a longtime supporter of community media, James dedicates much of his time encouraging his fellow artists activists to become producers to create more diversity in this overlooked form of alternate media.
Jerry Levinsky
Jerry is the current SEIU Local 509 Field Representative for the Springfield, Massachusetts Area and a representative of the Labor-Community Campaign for an Independent Party (LLCIP). He was the past
Field Representative
of SEIU Local 509 for Holyoke, MA.
He was the associate director of the
New York State Nurses Association
, and has been a Lecturer
at the University of Massachusetts. He attended
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and has a
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Philosophy
Mirna Martinez
Most recently Mirna ran for CT’s 39th district State Representative seat in a special election. She received the endorsements from The Day newspaper, CT Chapter Sierra Club, NARAL, CT Police and Fire Union, Our Revolution and The Political Revolution. Mirna Martinez is currently serving her third term as a Green on the New London Board of Education. She is the past chair. She holds a Master of Science degree in Bilingual Education and has teaching experience in Boston, New York City and New London. She is the co-founder of New London Parent Advocates and the founder/president of Re:public Ed, a pro-public education nonprofit organization.
Gloria Mattera
GP National co-chair, Co-chair of Green Party of NY. Former Green Party candidate for City Council, Borough President and Lt. Gov. in NY. Health care professional in the public hospital system.
Doug Muschett
Douglas received a B.S. in Meteorology and Geography from the University of Michigan, an M.S. in Meteorology and Air Pollution Studies from Penn State University and a Ph.D. in Economic and Environmental Systems Geography from the University of Michigan. Dr. Muschett’s professional career has included a team researcher at Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. to develop an environmental systems guidebook for the USEPA; serving as a professor in environmental management and resource policy at Syracuse University; and co-author and editor of the book Principles of Sustainable Development, working extensively with the faith community including offering numerous workshops, a graduate seminar at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (“Caring for Creation: Seeking a Sustainable Society) and a graduate course at the Iliff School of Theology , University of Denver (“Caring for Creation, Sustainability and Social Ethics”).
Tony Nedge
Tony serves as Co-chair of North Carolina Green Party. Tony’s experience with the Green Party US began as an Occupy Wall Street activist and co-organizer of the DNC protests in Charlotte in 2012, where he first met 2012 Presidential candidate Jill Stein. Subsequently, he participated in Global Climate Convergence as a lead co-organizer for two events in his state. In fall 2015, in cooperation with Bruce Dixon and the North Carolina GP leadership, he co-organized a four-city cross-state tour for Dr. Jill Stein. Tony eventually became the North Carolina Ballot Access Coordinator and later the State Volunteer Coordinator for the Stein/Baraka campaign. Later, he had the honor to serve as Mid-Atlantic regional coordinator for the Stein/Baraka campaign, where he had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with thousands of Greens and supporters across the region. Subsequently in 2016, Tony was elected co-chair of the NC Green Party. Tony also serves on the GPUS Ballot Access Committee as the Southeast Regional coordinator, and he is a member of the Green Party Black Caucus and Lavender Caucus.
Michael O’Neil
Michael has worked on Green Party campaigns in NY since 2007, including Howie Hawkins’ 2010, 2014 and 2018 campaigns that guaranteed the Green Party’s ballot status for millions of voters. Michael co-hosts A Green Way Forward, which is available as a weekly livestream and podcast at
Jon Olson
Anti-imperialist since 1966, 36 years in Hawai’i, Founding member of original SDS, Resistance to Draft, Peace and Freedom Party, Hawai’i Green Party (1989)–30 years as Green to date),owner/manager of Red Flag Book Store (1971-77) 20 years in solar marketing, current co-chair Maine Green Independent Party, author of Liberate Hawai’i!
Sue Peters
Sue has degrees in History and Education and is an information technologist specializing in finance. Having spent 35 years on Wall Street, the last 15 at a multinational bank, she has an insiders knowledge of the relationship between Wall Street and money. She gave a public in-depth class on the book, LOST SCIENCE OF MONEY, by Stephen Zarlenga; the extensive class materials can be viewed from the HISTORY tab on the website, She is a member of The American Monetary Institute, Alliance for Just Money, Green Party New York State (GPNYS), Green Party US Standing Committee on Banking and Monetary Reform, National Organization of Raw Materials, NYC Labor Chorus, and a member of the website,
Brendan Phillips
Brendan is a stay-at-home dad, DJ, AV Tech, and political organizer. He has been involved with the Green Party since 2016 when he served as Utah Ballot Access Coordinator for the Jill Stein campaign. His efforts were successful, and the Greens were easily able to get Stein on the ballot. The following year he was appointed Interim Co-Chair for the rebuilding Green Party of Utah. During his time the party was able to draft new bylaws from scratch, become accredited with GPUS, as well as petition for party ballot access for 2018/2020. Phillips has also served in other roles in the party including Accreditation/Outreach Chair and Financial Chair for the Young Ecosocialists. Currently Brendan serves as a National Delegate for the Green Party of Utah, as well as Co-Chair of the GPUS-Ballot Access Committee.
John Rensenbrink
Co-founder U.S. Green Party, Founder of its International Committee, Professor Emeritus Bowdoin College, author of “Ecological Politics for Survival and Democracy (2017).”
Don Sather
Sustainability Advocate, Environmentalist, Recognition by DOE, NREL, CRES, and others, Founder of Solar Company in 1975.
Dave Schwab
Dave was Communications Director for the 2016 Stein/Baraka campaign and currently serves as Co-Chair of the Wisconsin Green Party.
Karlene Griffiths Sekou, Ph.D. Candidate Harvard University
Rev. Karlene Griffiths Sekou is a leader in the Boston area Black Lives Matter Movement and chair of its anti-war committee. She is an international public speaker on Intersectional Analysis to Build Coalitions, preacher, scholar, and has over twenty-years of experience working in grassroots community organizing and development, human rights advocacy, health equity, and cultural regeneration. Her experiences as a public and international health professional includes senior level program administration, HIV and AIDS prevention, women’s health, design and diffusion of effective behavioral interventions, youth engagement, maternal and child health, and international program development. She holds an MPH from Boston University School of Public Health, an MTS from Vanderbilt Divinity School, an MDIV from Harvard Divinity School, and is currently a PhD student in Religion, Gender, and Culture at Harvard University.
Robert Edward Smith
Registered Green since the age of 16, Robert Edward Smith is a former Co-chair of the Young Greens and the Maryland Green Party. Robert was a catalyst to improve the branding, social media, and digital presence for the party in his state. Currently, Robert is a member of the Coordinated Campaign Committee.
A graduate from Allegany College of Maryland, Robert shares his time between being a full time student, a minimum-wage earner, and an active Green Party volunteer. He currently assists Green efforts in Appalachia, covering both Western Maryland and West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle.
Thom Speidel
Thom earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Washington, and was a business manager for 20 years. In the 1990s, his expanding societal and ecological concerns prompted a life transition that evolved into his current passion for our democracy and the Earth community. He is a member of the Green Party of Washington State and author of Catastrophe or Democracy.
Jill Stein
Jill Stein is an organizer, physician and environmental health advocate. As the 2016 and 2012 Green Party presidential candidate, she helped bring into national view Green Party policies that progressives in general are attempting to emulate – including an emergency Green New Deal, free public higher education, a student debt bailout, reparations and Medicare for All. She was also the only candidate to support the Dakota Sioux nation in resisting the DAPL pipeline. Following the 2016 election, she launched a recount initiative to investigate potential interference in the presidential vote count. Continuing litigation has raised the bar for election integrity, including the replacement of Pennsylvania’s electronic voting machines with paper ballots and rigorous audits. In 2014, she helped initiate the Global Climate Strike for people, planet and peace over profit. In 2006, she transitioned from clinical medicine into “political medicine” to challenge “the mother of all illnesses”, our sick political system, so we can begin to fix the other things that are literally killing us.
In 2006, she transitioned from clinical medicine into “political medicine” to challenge “the mother of all illnesses”, our sick political system, so we can begin to fix the other things that are literally killing us.
Howard Switzer
Howard is a Tennessee architect and ecological design consultant on energy efficient, healthy homes of natural materials and on pre-industrial building methods and a founding member of The Nashville Peace and Justice Center. He is a founding member of the Green Party of Tennessee, the Banking and Monetary Reform Committee of GPUS and ran for Governor of Tennessee twice and for Congress once. He co-founded the “Moving the Money to Main Street Campaign” adopted by the Green Party US in 2007. He presented on monetary reform at the 2013 GP National Meeting and was subsequently invited to present at AMI annual conferences several times and is currently on the board of The Alliance for Just Money.
Rose Tang
Rose Tang is an activist, event organizer, musician, artist and writer based in Brooklyn. She’s a survivor of Tiananmen Massacre and a student leader in the Tiananmen Movement of 1989. Rose has initiated and led global protests, petitions and media campaigns such as boycotting Beijing’s bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics, simultaneous multiple-city protests against China’s crackdown on human rights lawyers. She has given speeches at protest rallies, and delivered talks at universities and schools in the U.S., India, Czech Republic, Hong Kong and Taiwan.She’s frequently quoted and interviewed by news outlets in the U.S. and around the world as a political commentator and activist. Since 2016, Rose has shifted her focus of activism to U.S. politics. Rose taught journalism at Princeton University, and was a journalist and newscaster for 12 years in Hong Kong, Australia and China for CNN, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and numerous other international news outlets. She has been combining music, art and journalism with activism to promote social justice. In 2014, Rose was named “Champion for Freedom of Speech” by the Visual Artists Guild in Los Angeles. She was named Journalist of the Year in 2005 by the Society of Publishers, Asia. Rose’s radio documentary on the environmental damage and human costs of the world’s biggest dam, the Three Gorges Dam in China, won a gold medal at the New York Festivals Radio Awards in 1997. Rose grew up in Sichuan and is of Mongol and Chinese descent.
Linda Thompson
Linda is a member of Metro West Peace Action and a delegate to the United National Anti War Coalition. Along time organizer for social justice she went to jail during the civil rights movement and was the Coordinator of the Greater Boston Coalition to End the War in Vietnam. She was a state representative for AFSCME in Chicago and a Local Board Member of AFSCME in Baltimore. She ran for Governor of Illinois as a socialist. She is the former Co-Chair of the Green Party of Connecticut and is on the Green Party Outreach and Diversity Committees. She is an artist and has a MA in Sociology and Anthropology and taught Sociology and Women’s Studies at SCT.SU.
Hilary Tore
Hilary is a long-time Toledo, Ohio resident, holding multiple activist roles. She is the treasurer for Toledoans for Safe Water, the group behind the Lake Erie Bill of Rights, the secretary of the Lucas County Green Party Central Committee, and a volunteer patient escort at Capital Care, Toledo’s only abortion clinic. Hilary holds a Bachelor of Science in education from Bowling Green State University and is an alumna of Toledo School for the Arts. In her leisure time, she enjoys making art and music and spending time with her dogs.
Bryan Twitchell and Hillary Tore
Hillary and Bryan are elected members of the Lucas County Green Party who were members of the coalition of Toledo citizens who circulated gathered signatures to put The Lake Erie Bill of Rights before Toledo Voters. They are grass roots environmental activists who succeeded in getting a citizen initiative before the voters who passed historic protections for an irreplaceable natural resource.
Victor Wallis
Author of “Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism” (2018) and “Democracy Denied: Five Lectures on U.S. Politics” (2019). I teach in the Liberal Arts department at the Berklee College of Music, and was for twenty years the managing editor of Socialism and Democracy.
Liana West
Liana currently serves as the Chair of the Green Party of Maricopa County, and serves as the Secretary of the Arizona Green Party. Liana is currently organizing the Ballot Access petition drive for the state of Arizona, in which the required signatures number is 30,894. Liana enjoys organizing team building groups to attend food packing at Feed My Starving Children. She has lived in Arizona for 21 years, works full time and has three grown children. In her spare time she enjoys making jewelry and rescuing kittens.
Rich Whitney
Rich is an attorney from Carbondale, Illinois, now working as an appellate public defender. He is one of the founding members of the Illinois Green Party and served as the Party’s first candidate for Governor in 2006, winning over 360,000 votes. His current activist roles include serving as co-chair of the Illinois Green Party, and as an active participant in the Green Party Peace Action Committee, the Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois, the Chicago Committee Against War and Racism, the United National Antiwar Coalition, and the Illinois Coalition Against Fracking. He is also a Green public official, serving on the Board of Directors for the Jackson County Mass Transit District.
Rev Barbara Wright, MA, CPAC… member of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign and Extinction Rebellion
Married to Bruce Wright. Long time activist (formerly with PETA), for environmental protection and social justice. Organizer with poor people and POC to fight to have a voice and gain economic and racial justice. First responder for national disaster response network.
Bruce Wright
Bruce is Co-chair of Pinellas County Green Party and served on Jill Stein’s Shadow Cabinet and helped with both of her campaigns. He is also on the National Committee for Extinction Rebellion and for Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign.
Violet Rose Zitola
Violet currently serves as National Co-Chair of GPUS and Co-Chair of the National Lavender Green Caucus. As a queer trans woman of color, she has been an active green for nearly 20 years. Her background is in science, having done geophysics research at Caltech and climatology at Harvard, and is now focused on the impending Climate Emergency.