Silent Auction fundraiser for Ballot Access Committee

Do you have awesome things that aren’t being used to their full potential?

Are you a painter, sculptor, writer, seamstress, cook, or other type of artist?

Well, we want to feature your wonderful things in the Ballot Access Committee silent auction at the 2019 ANM in Salem!

It is crucial for the Green Party to appear on more and more ballot lines as we work toward our dreams of Green government. Money raised in this silent auction will help fund ballot access drives across the country as we respond to requests that come in on our BAC Funding Request forms. Our Ballot Access plan aims to make ballot access an ongoing effort so that our presidential campaigns can spend more time actually campaigning!

You can help both by contributing items for the auction and by coming to Salem prepared to take home some treasures.

If you have items that you are willing to donate to raise money for Green Party ballot access, bring them to the ANM – or, if you won’t be there, send them with someone who will be attending. Questions? Contact Jody Grage at

Thanks from the Ballot Access Committee